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David Guetta и Joe JonasDanger Zone

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David Guetta, Joe Jonas - Danger Zone Текст

Taste of your kiss up on my lips,
Sends me to an eternal bliss.
Leads me to ask, this enough?
I'm so addicted to rush.
But my minds telling me no,
My hearts begging me go for it.
I'm caught between them both,
I don't know how to cope with this.
I wish I could read your mind,
See if my loves in the danger zone danger zone danger zone
My love is in danger,
Love is in danger.
Caught up in my head,
Too hard to shake ya.
My love is in danger.
Should I surrender?
My heart is my chest,
I can't take the pressure.
My love is in danger.
Trapped in a haze from what you did,
You are the thoughts inside my head.
Leads me to ask, if this is true?
The feelings I'm growing for my minds telling me no,
My hearts begging me go for it.
I'm caught between them both,
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
I don't know how to cope with this.
I wish I could read your mind,
See if my loves in the danger zone danger zone danger zone
My love is in danger,
Love is in danger.
Caught up in my head,
Too hard to shake ya.
My love is in danger.
Should I surrender?
My heart is my chest,
I can't take the pressure.
My love is in danger.
My hearts begging me go for it, I'm go.
My hearts begging me go for it, I'm go.
My hearts begging me go for it go for it go for it go..
My love is in danger,
Love is in danger.
Caught up in my head,
Too hard to shake ya.
My love is in danger.
Should I surrender?
My heart is my chest,
I can't take the pressure.
My love is in danger.
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