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Demi LovatoBody say

Категории: поп Език: Английски

Demi Lovato - Body say Текст

If I had it my way, I would take you down
If I had it my way, I would turn you out
And if my body had a say, I would come again
Scared of what I might say, cause I'm at the edge
And our eyes are crossing paths across the room
There's only one thing left for us to do
You can touch me with slow hands
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat
Dreamland, take me there cause I want your sex
If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away
Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby I would do
Just what I want to
If I had it my way, I would take the lead
And if I had it my way, I would take you deep
If my body had a say, I'd get it off my chest
Show you all the red lace underneath this dress
And our eyes are crossing paths across the room
There's only one thing left for us to do
You can touch me with slow hands
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat
Dreamland, take me there cause I want your sex
If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away
Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby I would do
Just what I want to
My mind is getting in the way
Can't feel what my body say
I'mma tell you anyway
I'mma tell you anyway
My mind is getting in the way
Can't feel what my body say
I'mma show you anyway
I'mma show you anyway
There's only one thing left for us to do
Oh, you can
You can touch me with slow hands
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat
Dreamland, take me there cause I want your sex
If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away
Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby I would do
Just what I want to
You can touch me with slow hands
If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away
Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby I would do
Just what I want to
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