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Depeche ModeA Photograph Of You

Depeche Mode - A Photograph Of You Текст

What good is a photograph of you?
Every time I look at it
It makes me feel blue
What use is a souvenir of something
We once had
When all it ever does is
Make me feel bad
I wish I could tear it up
But then again I havent the guts
I wish I could throw it on the fire
I wish I could
But to say I would
Id be a liar
What good is a color print of a little baby doll?
When just one little glance is enough to make me feel dull
I wish I would misplace it
But then I take such good care of it
I wish it would disappear
I say I wish
But then I relish it being here
What good is a photograph of you?
Every time I look at it
It makes me feel blue
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