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DisturbedTwo Worlds

Категории: рок Език: Английски

Disturbed - Two Worlds Текст

Give it to me
Two worlds are warring in me, killing us now; raging inside
Measure the horror in me, remove the sickness plaguing my mind
Two worlds are warring in me, killing us now
Show me the light
Two worlds collide whenever I step to the front
I look for a new place to hide while tearing my color away
I swallow my pride, but never forget what I want
Starting to long for a time, not fearing the war in my mind
Two worlds are warring in me, both sides are losing; patience has died
None of the martyr remains, drowns my conviction; regions divide
Two worlds are warring in me, killing us now
Show me the light...
Two worlds collide whenever I step to the front
I look for a new place to hide while tearing my color away
I swallow my pride, but never forget what I want
Starting to long for a time, not fearing the war in my mind
Give me a sign, tell me when it's time
Show me the light, tell me when it's fucking over
Two worlds collide whenever I step to the front
I look for a new place to hide while tearing my color away
I swallow my pride, but never forget what I want
Starting to long for a time, not fearing the war in my mind
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