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Ross LynchUpside down

Категории: поп Език: Английски

Ross Lynch - Upside down Текст

I always get this funny feeling
everytime you come around
It's like I'm walking on a ceiling
both feet off the ground
And It's alright To feel so left upside down
like I'm losing my head
Cause I now where my heart belongs
with you again so I say hey
I'm crazy into you
And I say hey every minute's overdue
And I can't wait no I don't care I'll
do what it takes
Driving all night catch the first flight
Just to see you I'll explain
You got me like upside down
You standing there I swear my whole world is
Turned around I can't believe
You're here I was looking
In the crowd but you're here now
You standing there
I swear my world's turned around
You got me upside down
You got me upside down
I'm upside down
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