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Shawn MendesLike this

Shawn Mendes - Like this Текст

You say it's not supposed to be
Tell me not to waste my time
This was never up to me
But if it was I wouldn't mind

And I'm trying to ignore ya
Trying to go on with my day, hey
But I still pick up the phone, yeah
And get lost in what you say

I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down, I've lost this fight
Thought I was strong enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth

So I guess I'm going down
I guess I'm going down
Like this

And I love it how she's honest
You don't find that nowadays
She's not even drop dead gorgeous
But she kills me anyway

I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down, I've lost this fight
Thought I was strong enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth

I guess I'm going down
I guess I'm going down
I guess I'm going down
Like this

I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down, I've lost this fight
Thought I was strong enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth

I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down, I've lost this fight
And I thought I was strong enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth

So I guess I'm going down
Like this

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