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SkilletMy Religion

Skillet - My Religion Текст

Who's gonna save us all
Nothing and nobody but you
Who's gonna make me whole
Nothing and nobody but you
Can't change me, sway me
Don't know what to make of me
You got my devotion fanatical though it may be
I love your mind, heart, body and soul
You're the only sanctuary that I know
I don't need to stare at stained glass and a steeple
I don't need to dress to impress all the people
Don't need no priest, don't need no pew
You are my religion, my religion is you
I don't need no other purpose, you give me reason
Ain't they're business what I want to believe you
You are my priest, you are my truth
You are my religion, my religion is you
Who's gonna heal my pain
Nothing makes me feel like you do
Who can drive my demons away
Nothing makes me heal like you do
I love your mind, heart, body and soul
You're the only sanctuary that I know
I don't need to stare at stained glass and a steeple
I don't need to dress to impress all the people
Don't need no priest, don't need no pew
You are my religion, my religion is you
I don't need no other purpose, you give me reason
Ain't they're business what I want to believe you
You are my priest, you are my truth
You are my religion, my religion is you
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
Mind, heart, soul, and strength
Belong to you, belong to me
Got my devotion, I will follow where you lead
I won't be told what to feel and how to show
My love can't be stopped
Love you any way I want
I don't need to stare at stained glass and a steeple
I don't need to dress to impress all the people
Don't need no priest, don't need no pew
You are my religion, my religion is you
I don't need no other purpose, you give me reason
Ain't they're business what I want to believe you
You are my priest, you are my truth
You are my religion, my religion is you
You are my religion, my religion is you
You are my religion, my religion is you
You are my religion, my religion is you
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