А каква си антилопа, газела
Да ти пръсна дисплея и панела
таква сочна, как да не опитам
Огледалото по цял ден питам
Само като те докопам и ти гарантирам
ще те кльопам, изцеждам, попивам
А каква си антилопа, газела,
абсолютният потоп, ти си топ, топ, топ, топ
Искам да го клатиш, искам да се удря в пода
искам да го друсаш да газира като сода
все едно сме вкъщи, все едно сме в хола
мачът ни е уреден, искам да си гола
Казват, че си страшна, но мен не ме е страх
Казват, че си мръсна, но не виждам прах
Един път с мен, ще поискаш и повторно
Идвам с етикет "Консумирай отговорно"
Всичко съм ти виждала - шкафче в съблекалнята
Ела да се огледаш, имам огледало в спалнята
Трябва да си горда, не се закачам често
Няма да ти върна ресто
А каква си антилопа, газела
Да ти пръсна дисплея и панела
таква сочна, как да не опитам
Огледалото по цял ден питам
Само като те докопам и ти гарантирам
ще те кльопам, изцеждам, попивам
А каква си антилопа, газела,
абсолютният потоп, ти си топ, топ, топ, топ
Цялата си буря, цялата си огън
Веднъж запалена да те гася не мога
Телата ни говорят, чувам диалога
Искам да съм вътре, ти си ми бърлога
Да ме въртят на пръста не понасям
Не ме познаваш, ама знаеш коя съм
Почнахме от ниско все едно, че сме на старта
Преди да продължим искам да видя лична карта
Тая вечер сме цяла бригада като студенти
Приземяваш го долу, чувам аплодисменти
Като казах "Бенг бенг" ти се амбицира
Като казах "Късай" ти скъса синджира
Тита и TITAAntilopa - Антилопа
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Език: Български
Тита, TITA - Antilopa - Антилопа Текст
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Тита, TITA - Antelope Превод

What an antelope you are, a gazelle
I’ll burst your display and your panel
So juicy, how can I resist trying
I ask the mirror all day long
Only if I reach you and I guarantee you
I’ll gulp you down, squeeze you, soak you
What an antelope you are, a gazelle
The absolute flood, you are the best, best, best, best
I want you to shake it, to hit it on the ground
I want you to bounce it, to carbonate like soda
Like we are at home, like we are in the living room
The match is set up, I want you naked
They say you are scary but I’m not afraid
They say you are dirty but I don’t see dust
Once with me and you’ll want again
I come with a label ‘Consume responsibly’
I’ve seen everything of yours, locker in the changing room
Come take a look at yourself, I have a mirror in the bedroom
You have to be proud, I don’t mess around often
I won’t give you change back
What an antelope you are, a gazelle
I’ll burst your display and your panel
So juicy, how can I resist trying
I ask the mirror all day long
Only if I reach you and I guarantee you
I’ll gulp you down, squeeze you, soak you
What an antelope you are, a gazelle
The absolute flood, you are the best, best, best, best
You are a storm, you are a fire from head to toe
Once ignited I can’t extinguish you
Our bodies are talking, I hear the dialogue
I want to be inside, you are my den
I can’t stand being played around with
You don’t know me, but you’ve heard of me
We started from the bottom like we were on the start
Before continuing I want to see an ID
Tonight we are a whole brigade like students
You land it on the ground, I hear applauses
When I said ‘Bang-bang’ you got motivated
When I said ‘Tear!’ you tore the chain
It’s clear what I’ll do to you
There’s nothing I could threat you with
And when it’s too tight for me
I act and leave rapidly
I’ll burst your display and your panel
So juicy, how can I resist trying
I ask the mirror all day long
Only if I reach you and I guarantee you
I’ll gulp you down, squeeze you, soak you
What an antelope you are, a gazelle
The absolute flood, you are the best, best, best, best
I want you to shake it, to hit it on the ground
I want you to bounce it, to carbonate like soda
Like we are at home, like we are in the living room
The match is set up, I want you naked
They say you are scary but I’m not afraid
They say you are dirty but I don’t see dust
Once with me and you’ll want again
I come with a label ‘Consume responsibly’
I’ve seen everything of yours, locker in the changing room
Come take a look at yourself, I have a mirror in the bedroom
You have to be proud, I don’t mess around often
I won’t give you change back
What an antelope you are, a gazelle
I’ll burst your display and your panel
So juicy, how can I resist trying
I ask the mirror all day long
Only if I reach you and I guarantee you
I’ll gulp you down, squeeze you, soak you
What an antelope you are, a gazelle
The absolute flood, you are the best, best, best, best
You are a storm, you are a fire from head to toe
Once ignited I can’t extinguish you
Our bodies are talking, I hear the dialogue
I want to be inside, you are my den
I can’t stand being played around with
You don’t know me, but you’ve heard of me
We started from the bottom like we were on the start
Before continuing I want to see an ID
Tonight we are a whole brigade like students
You land it on the ground, I hear applauses
When I said ‘Bang-bang’ you got motivated
When I said ‘Tear!’ you tore the chain
It’s clear what I’ll do to you
There’s nothing I could threat you with
And when it’s too tight for me
I act and leave rapidly
Добавен от bubulina bubu на 09 January, 2018, 17:15
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