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UsherU Don't Have To Call

Usher - U Don't Have To Call Текст

[Intro 2x]
Yo after tonight
Don't have your girl around me
True playa for real
Ask my nigga Pharrell
Situations will arise
In our lives
But U got to be smart about it
Celebrations with the guys
I sacrified
'Cause I knew U could not sleep without it
Meanwhile I...
I loved U
U were my girl
U see I...
Thought the world of U
But you're still leavin' baby
U don't have to call
It's okay girl
'Cause I'm gonna be alright tonight [2x]
Aw girl
Your face is sayin' why
Tears in eyes
Should've been more smart about it
Should've cherished me
Listenin' to friends, now it's the end
And again
No story can end without it
Damn right I loved U
You were my girl
U see I...
Thought the world of U
But you're still leavin' baby
U don't have to call
It's okay girl
I'm gonna be alright tonight
Gonna boogie tonight
'Cause I'm honestly too young of a guy
To stay home
Waitin for love
So tonight
I'm gonna do what a single man does
And that's party
U don't have to call
It's okay girl
I'm gonna be alright tonight [3x]
Gonna boogie tonight
'Cause I'm honestly too young of a guy
To stay home
Waitin for love
I'm gonna do what a single man does
And that's party
U don't have to call
It's okay girl
I'm gonna be alright tonight [3x]
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