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Bebe RexhaI Got You

Bebe Rexha - I Got You Текст

I can see you hurting
I've been through the same thing
Baby, don't you worry, I got you
I just wanna know you
Tell me all your secrets
Lookin' like you need it
Cause I got you, you, oh
You, I got you, I got you
Cause I got you, you, oh
You, I got you, I got you
We can get high, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get low, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Tell you no lies, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get lost, oh, nah-nah-nah
Take it all off, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Give it to me all, oh, nah-nah-nah
Tell me what you're thinkin'
Always over thinkin'
I just wanna love you, I got you
Don't have to be so guarded
Let's finish what we started
It's all I ever wanted
Cause I got you, you, oh
You, I got you, I got you
We can get high, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get low, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Tell you no lies, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get lost, oh, nah-nah-nah
Take it all off, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Give it to me all, oh, nah-nah-nah
Cause I got you, you, oh
You, I got you, I got you
I'd do the time for you
Tell a lie for you
Yeah, baby, that's what I do
I'd walk the line for you
Take a shot for you
Yeah, baby, that's what I do
Cause I got you, it's true
I'd die for you, I'd die for you
I got you
We can get high, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get low, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Tell you no lies, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get lost, oh, nah-nah-nah
Take it all off, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Give it to me all, oh, nah-nah-nah
Cause I got you, you, oh
You, I got you, I got you
Cause I got you, you, oh
You, I got you, I got you, I got...
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