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Категории: електронна , dance , RnB Език: Английски

LMFAO - Hot Dog Текст

Disco food!
I work out, everyday
You sexy! Yeah, that's what they say
I eat right, and shake a minute
You lost 30 pounds! Yeah, they say I did it
Look, I don't care what you think
I'mma do my thing tonight
I came to dance, came to drink
Living that disco life
I burned a pound, a thousand...
Dancing, moving, shaking, grooving
So fuck what my trainer say
I'm tryna get a hot dog
I'm tryna get a hot dog
I'm tryna get a hot dog
I'm tryna get a hot dog
Street Meat, yeah that's what they call it
And lately I've become an ....
Now something must be real and something fake
What, you ain't got no bacon?
Now I don't care what you say, I want my money back
You ain't got no onions, got no clevors, and a dog and bacon rip
Now to get to right, I gotsa go and search the boulevard
Cuz 9 to 5, they own the club, I work to god damn hard
I'm tryna get a hot dog
I'm tryna get a hot dog
I'm tryna get a hot dog
I'm tryna get a hot dog
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