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Martin Garrix и Third Party и John MartinLions In The Wild

Категории: поп , електронна , Electronica Език: Английски

Martin Garrix, Third Party, John Martin - Lions In The Wild Текст

Looking out for a new horizon
Reaching out I can almost see the place
Holding on with the heart that's frozen
In the dark, but I am not afraid
No, I am not afraid
We'll be free, but I don't know where we're going
You and me this is our life and we own it
Like lions in the wild
Like lions in the wild
Like lions in the wild
Looking out at the open skyline
Reaching out I can almost touch the place
Where the lost ones find their freedom
In the dark but I am not afraid
No, I am not afraid
We'll be free, but I don't know where we're going
You and me this is our life and we own it
Like lions in the wild
Like lions in the wild
Like lions in the wild
Like lions in the wild
Like lions in the wild
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