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InnaBad Boys

Категории: поп

Inna - Bad Boys Текст

Hit me up boy, listen to my heartbeat
Oh, oh I know that you want it
Hurry up, baby show me how your love feels
Oh, oh, come on right now
Hold, don't tell me how you really love me
Oh, oh, come on boy and show me
No, don't tell me how you really love me
Oh, oh, come and get me now
Un petit peu dangereux toi,
Dangereux moi je te veux comme ca
Un petit peu dangereux toi,
T'as cherche, mais je suis celle celle la
Still looking for somebody to love me
Oh, oh, come and get to know
Still looking for somebody to love me
Oh, oh, I don't wanna doubt
Still looking for somebody to tease me
Oh, oh, know just how to please me
I need you to, I'll show you that you need me
Oh, oh, what is all about
Un petit peu dangereux toi,
Dangereux moi je te veux comme ca
Un petit peu dangereux toi,
T'as cherche, mais je suis celle celle la
Un petit peu dangereux toi,
Dangereux moi je te veux comme ca
Un petit peu dangereux toi,
T'as cherche, mais je suis celle celle la
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