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MuseCity Of Delusion

Категории: рок Език: Английски

Muse - City Of Delusion Текст

Stay away from me
Build a fortress
And shield your beliefs
Touch the divine
As we fall in line
Can I believe
When I don't trust
All your theories
Turn to dust
I choose to hide
From the All Seeing Eye
Destroy this City of Delusion
Break these walls down
I will avenge
And justify my reasons
With your blood
You will not rest
Settle for less
Until you guzzle
And squander whats left
Do not deny
That you live and let die
Destroy this City of Delusion
Break these walls down
I will avenge
And justify my reasons
With your blood
Destroy this City of Delusion
Break these walls down
I will avenge
And justify my reasons
With your blood
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