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Papa RoachNever Enough

Категории: new metal Език: Английски

Papa Roach - Never Enough Текст

Life's been sucked out of me
And this routine's killing me
I did it to myself, I cannot say it would not be
Somebody put me out of my misery
Expression, stimulation
Hallow sense of myself
I did it to myself again
Somebody put me in my place
Never enough [x2]
Do I deserve
What I got?
Now everything's OK
There's nothing wrong with me
This seems unnatural
To me I'd say in every way
Somebody kick me in my face
Now somethings wrong with me
I'm bleeding profussly
And this seems natural
To me I fuck up everyday
Somebody put me in my place
[Chorus: Repeat x2]
What I got [x4]
I feel as if I'm running
Back to where I started
You ask what's wrong with me
And I say nothing
Is everything ok?
Is something wrong with me?
Pushing and pulling feelings eternal
My heart is yours
I feel as if I'm running [x3]
Life will knock me down
[Chorus: Repeat]
Never enough, Never enough
Life will knock me down
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