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Категории: рок Език: Английски

Scorpions - Destin Текст

(Mon destin inscrit en toi)
Do you say a prayer when you're feeling down?
Do you believe that love can turn your faith around?
You're feeling high and low, but you don't know what to think
The world is full of saints who live their lives in sin
Don't ask the mirror ball, you better ask yourself
I think you know the answers but maybe you can't tell
You'll see it all so clear, just take a look inside
The judge you build inside your heart will always be your guide
Mon destin inscrit en toi
Mon destin inscrit en toi
Another day goes by and so does your life
You try to make some sins before your turn to die
If you feel humility for something that is true
You'll find the secrets of this life deep inside of you
Mon destin inscrit en toi
Mon destin inscrit en toi
Mon destin inscrit en toi
The innocent won't fear the judgement day
Mon destin inscrit en toi
Mon destin inscrit en toi
Mon destin inscrit en toi
The innocent won't fear the judgement day
Mon destin inscrit en toi
Mon destin inscrit en toi
Mon destin inscrit en toi...
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