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Dead By SunriseMorning After

Dead By Sunrise - Morning After Текст

Caught up against the wall again
Tied my chain to the ball again
Never seems to my mind
So I just sleep sleep sleep
Sleep sleep sleep, please don't
Wake me 'til the morning after
Wake me 'til the morning after
Cut and bruised by the fall again
Lick my wounds like a dog again
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel
That I see I see please let it be but don't
Wake me 'til the morning after
Wake me 'til the morning after
Wake me 'til the morning after
I'm so tired there has got to be an end
To the pain I feel
When I'm awake and alive alive alive
Alive and I'm dreamin'
Caught up against the wall again
Tied my chain to the ball again
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel
That I see I see please let it be but don't
Wake me till the morning after
Wake me till the morning after
Wake me till the morning after
I'm so tired there has got to be an end
To the pain I feel
When I'm awake and alive alive alive
Alive and I'm dreamin'
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when i get there lupe fiascotrick pesniluniz i got 5 on it преводsoy lunaтекстът на песента без правила на лили ивановаsasa matic zabranjena ljubav prevodмислиш ли за мене? да всеки ден...dejan matic ona je moja български преводmigos bad and boujee text prevod lyrics zarila sam zar превод