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Dimmu BorgirBorn Treacherous

Категории: метъл , death metal Език: Английски

Dimmu Borgir - Born Treacherous Текст

With defiance and resistance
I burn the bridges and their names
Will I ever comprehend
My own spells and games?
Let me keep my world
Let me have my slaves
They all do wonders for me
So I can leave things be
Let me keep my world
As I'm too blind to see
When I lay in bed at night - Wishing well
When I pray for recovery - Feeling hell
Suffocating in my own filth
With no fresh air to inhale
Born treacherous!
Insanity keeps me away and free
From the core of responsibility
But once the pace quickens
I'll be derived from myself
In total mind captivity
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