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ForeignerI Keep Hoping

Категории: рок Език: Английски

Foreigner - I Keep Hoping Текст

As I gather my thoughts
With the pieces of my heart
Tell me, how long is forever
I'm not afraid and I won't be torn apart
We've had our time together
Now I make my new beginnings
I'll start again at any cost
I've learned a lot from losing you
But I've got nothing if I'm lost
And I keep hoping
And I still believe in love
If I wait long enough
I know I'll be strong enough
Yeah, I keep hoping
I believe in faith and trust
I'm gonna find a way
There are better days still ahead of us
I keep hoping
Now this candle burns low
It won't last through the night
But I've found peace
And I know it's all right
I try to understand
What's been missing in my life
Between the darkness and the daylight
No I'm not expecting miracles
I've got my doubts like any other one
I've learned a lot from losing you
But I've got nothing if I'm lost
And I keep hoping
I still believe in love
If I wait long enough
I know I'll be strong enough
And I keep hoping
I believe, I believe in faith and trust
There are better days, better days, around of us now, still ahead of us, aaah
I keep hoping, I keep hoping
I keep hoping
I keep hoping and praying baby, oooh
And I still believe in love
I keep hoping, I keep hoping baby, oooh
I'm gonna find a way
I keep hoping, I keep hoping baby
There are better days, ooh, better days
I keep hoping, hoping and praying
And I still believe in love
I keep hoping, I keep hoping
I keep hoping . . .
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