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Jessie WareMeet me in the middle

Категории: поп , soundtrack Език: Английски

Jessie Ware - Meet me in the middle Текст

Meet me in the middle,
Tell me something
That could change my mind
I couldn't let it be known,
This it is every time I refuse to say goodbye.
Been away for so long,
but I'm dying just to find out!
What took you so long to come back around?
If I'd only been dreaming, you weren't always hiding
It took two to break us down,
Could you prove me wrong?
Could you prove me wrong?
Well, I had to be strong
Could you prove me wrong?
Could you prove me wrong?
It's a long road, but it's longer without you
and with each passing day,
I grow more uncertain
Been away for so long,
but I'm dying just to find out!
What took you so long to come back around?
If I'd only been dreaming, you weren't always hiding
It took two to break us down,
Could you prove me wrong?
Could you prove me wrong?
Well, I had to be strong
Could you prove me wrong?
Could you prove me wrong?
Meet me in the middle,
Tell me something
That could change my mind
I couldn't let it be known,
This it is every time I refuse to say goodbye.
Meet me in the middle,
Tell me something
That could change my mind
I couldn't let it be known,
This it is every time I refuse to say goodbye.
Meet me in the middle,
Tell me something
That could change my mind
I couldn't let it be known,
This it is every time I refuse to say goodbye.
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