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Категории: поп Език: Английски

Modjo - Lady Текст

Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
As we dance by the moonlight can't you see you're my delight?
Lady I just feel like I won't get you out of my mind
I feel loved for the first time and I know that it's true
I can tell by the look in your eyes
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
Lady I just feel like I won't get you out of my mind
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
As we dance by the moonlight can't you see you're my delight?
Lady I just feel like I won't get you out of my mind
I feel loved for the first time and I know that it's true
I can tell by the look in your eyes
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
Lady I just feel like I won't get you out of my mind
Lady hear me tonight, can't you see you're my delight?
Lady I just feel like I feel loved for the first time
Lady hear me tonight 'cause my feeling is just so right
Lady I just feel like
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