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SabiWild Heart

Sabi - Wild Heart Текст

I tried to control it
Tried to mantain it
Tried to contain it
But I failed terribly
And I don't know what to do
I tried to hold back
And accept the fact we ain't perfect
But what we got going on, might leave us broken bruises
Neither one of us want it, neither want to say goodbye
But both of us keep hidden, keep on on screaming and we don't know why
This wild heart of mine
Is gon' get me in trouble
This wild heart of mine
Is gon' get me in trouble
I'm out so I fold it
Bad hands, so I'm throwing it all in
It's no one to blame, to yell in the game for this world win
Let's try to hold back and accept the fact we ain't perfect
Cause I love ya
Atleast I think I do
But baby
Neither one of us want it, neither want to say goodbye
But both of us keep hidden, keep on on screaming and we don't know why
This wild heart of mine
Is gon' get me in trouble
This wild heart of mine
Is gon' get me in trouble
Look me in the eyes
And tell me with no lies
That you feel the same
Look me in the eyes
And tell me with no lies
That you can be a better man
But I don't think you do
This wild heart of mine
Is gon' get me in trouble
This wild heart of mine
Is gon' get me in trouble
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