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ScientistYour Teeth in My Neck

Категории: soundtrack Език: Английски

Scientist - Your Teeth in My Neck Текст

Some will take money
And make big enemy-ee-ee
While iman take love and make good friends...
Some are speaking foggy -?
The other are thinking rotten -?
But iman is here to teach you what's right from wrong.
Say no now...
Hoi oi oi
Hoi oi oi
Lord, oh yeah...
Some are speaking foggy -?
The other are thinking rotten -?
But iman is here to teach you what's right from wrong.
Listen me carefully.
Let's live in love and unity -?
For anything you do, just see 'we'
I want that family...
For I and I wanted you be free.
Lets live in love and one harmony-ee.
Say go now...
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galena the bo$$j balvin me gustainna prevodirobbie williams angel prevodjadna ti je moja moc tekst2 phones текстtaye corensi apesni 1sasa matic ko te ljubi ovih danashake your ass watch yourself lyrics преводщурците очакване текст