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SiaHouse on Fire

Категории: поп Език: Английски

Sia - House on Fire Текст

We could be legends for years to come
They could talk about us like we’re the ones
We can be untouchable while we’re young
And (we can) laugh about it when we’re dead and done
You and me it’s automatic
You and me
Could say we had it all
We can burn
Hotter than a house on fire
C’mon lemme see your fighter
Heaven help me be the flame
We can burn (burn burn)
Faster than the world can turn
‘Til we fade away
They can try to take us we won’t go
We could be the kings and queens of hope
When everything is bought and sold
In the end, we’re the only thing that’s gold
You and me
We’re not so tragic
You and me
Could say we had it all
Just to say we had it all
We can burn
Hotter than a house on fire
Cmon lemme see your fighter
Heaven help me be the flame
We can burn (burn burn)
Faster than the world can turn
‘Til we fade away til we fade a way
‘Til we fade a way till we fade a way
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