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SiaLife Jacket

Sia - Life Jacket Текст

I have seen better days
Seek shelter from the storm
Where it follows me, your sin follows me
Like a black cloud
We’re running with no cover
I fear that I may drown
Where it follows me, your sin follows me
Like a black cloud
And I’m so close to giving up
I have lost my fire and I stopped struggling
It knocks me down
I let your love wash over me
You’ll be my life jacket, you’ll come to save me
Here comes the tide that tries to drag me under
You’ll be my life jacket, your love, it helps me
Floating in your oceans
I feel like I can breathe
You came for me, you came for me
Before I drowned
And now only my heart swims
For you and me
Finally, yes finally,
I have been found
I was so close to giving up
I have lost my fight and I stopped struggling
It knocks me down
I let your love wash over me
You’ll be my life jacket you’ll come to save me
Here comes the tide that tries to drag me under
You’ll be my life jacket, your love, it helps me
Floating in your oceans
I feel like I can breathe
You came for me, you came for me
Before I drowned
I let your love wash over me
You’ll be my life jacket you’ll come to save me
Here comes the tide that tries to drag me under
You’ll be my life jacket, your love, it helps me
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