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ZZ TopJust Got Back from Baby's

Категории: рок , блус Език: Английски

ZZ Top - Just Got Back from Baby's Текст

Now I just got back from baby's,
We been rollin' all night long.
I said I just got back from baby's,
We been rollin' all night long.
She comeon likes and loves me,
But I feel like somethin' wrong.
Now, sometimes I go see baby,
And sometimes she come see me.
I said, sometimes I go see baby,
And sometimes baby come see me.
I got a funny, funny feelin'
I'm not the only man she sees.
Now, I just got back from baby's,
Big white house on the hill.
I said, I just got back from baby's,
Big white house on the hill.
If her lovin' don't get me,
I know her husband will.
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