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Bertie BlackmanBlack Cats (Last Japan Edit)

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Bertie Blackman - Black Cats (Last Japan Edit) Текст

If I find you are pretending to be in love
You’d better hide deep in the streets and run love
Sharks are tearing at my flesh in the sea
They don’t give up
They’re thirsty
They’re hungry
Hard on the floor makes it harder to touch
Now I can move with a sweep and a crunch
Now I see you violent and dirty
I wanna be like sex can sweat
And drip on you in sweet duress
And on my count we’re moving, moving, moving
Black cats kneading at my chest
They can’t see, they won’t move
They just march, they don’t stop, they just state
They just want you to get prepared
Hard on the floor makes it harder to touch
Now I can move with a sweep and a crunch
Now I see you violent and dirty
And I wanna be like sex can sweat
And drip on you in sweet duress
And on my count we’re moving, moving, moving
Moving, moving, moving, moving
Hard on the floor makes it harder to touch
Now I can move with a sweep and a crunch
Now I see you violent and dirty
And I wanna be like sex can sweat
And drip on you in sweet duress
And on my count we’re moving, moving, moving
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