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BlancheCity Lights

Blanche - City Lights Текст

All alone in the danger zone
Are you ready to take my hand?
All alone in the flame of doubt
Are we going to lose it all?

I could never leave you and the city lights
I could never beat the storm in your eyes
The storm in your bright eyes

All alone in the danger zone
Are you ready to take my hand?
All alone in the flame of doubt
Are we going to lose it all?

Looking between the space and the city lights
All we are is in the stars in your eyes
The stars in your dark eyes

All alone in the danger zone
Are you ready to take my hand?
All alone in the flame of doubt
Are we going to lose it all?

Let’s put some light into our lives
But keep the storm that’s in your eyes
Let’s put some light into our lives

All alone in the danger zone
Are you ready to take my hand?
All alone in the flame of doubt
Are we going to lose it all?

All alone in the danger zone
Are you ready to take my hand?
All alone in the flame of doubt
Are we going to lose it all?

To lose it all
To lose it all

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