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Dami ImSound Of Silence

Категории: поп Език: Английски

Dami Im - Sound Of Silence Текст

Growing tired and weary, brown eyes
Trying to feel your love through face time
Symphonies of dreams and highlights,
Caught up in this crazy fast life
But baby, you're not here with me...
And I keep calling, CALLING!
(Keep calling, call...)
Now my heart awakes to the sound of silence
And it beats to the sound of silence,
And it beats to the sound of silence.
Now my heart awakes to the sound of silence
And it beats to the sound of silence,
And it beats to the sound of silence.
Getting hard to break through the madness,
You're not here, it never makes sense
Tidal wave of tears are crashing,
No one hear to save me drowning,
'cause baby, you're not here with me
And I keep calling, calling
Keep calling, call...
Now my heart awakes to the sound of silence
And it beats to the sound of silence,
And it beats to the sound of silence.
Now my heart awakes to the sound of silence
And it beats to the sound of silence,
And it beats to the sound of silence
I know I'm stronger and I'm capable,
I know it's all in my head, but I keep calling, calling
Calling, calling...home
Now my heart awakes to the sound of silence
And it beats to the sound of silence, (silence)
And it beats to the sound of silence.
Now my heart awakes to the sound of silence
And it beats to the sound of silence,
(And it beats to the sound of silence...)
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