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Grave DiggerRheingold

Категории: метъл , heavy metal Език: Английски

Grave Digger - Rheingold Текст

In the depths of the river
Deep in the waves
Three rhinemaidens are singing
Songs of the brave
An ugly dwarf
Greedy with pleasure
Desires the gold,
Tries to steal the treasure
Guardians of the holy treasure
No cheat should steal it from the river
Gleaming glow in the water's depth
Shines brightly, bravely through the waves
Rheingold, Rheingold
Rheingold, Rheingold
Who denies love
Who forfeits its power
Can attain the magic
To forge a ring
If you are enarmoured
And longing for love
Let's see my handsome
What you look like
Guardians of the holy treasure
No cheat should steal it from the river
Gleaming glow in the water's depth
Shines brightly, bravely through the waves
Rheingold, Rheingold
Rheingold, Rheingold
Aren't you afraid
Brood of the waters
Then conquer the dark,
And I'll put out your light
I wrench the gold from the rock
Forge the ring of revenge
For hell and the devil
I curse my love
Guardians of the holy treasure
No cheat should steal it from the river
Who from the Rheingold will fashion the ring
Win the world's wealth and will be king
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