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Katy PerryI Think I'm Ready

Категории: поп Език: Английски

Katy Perry - I Think I'm Ready Текст

I'm used to opening my own doors and splitting the checks
He introduced me, was always just a friend
I bought a new dress, he never noticed
Always falling for these bad boys, such a challenge
I'm getting tired, of cleaning up after them
I think I'm ready to be a woman
Oh love, I think I'm ready
Ready for it
You were such a surprise
An unexpected gift
Said I was pretty, and I believed it
Not really used to all this attention
Told myself I don't deserve you
And this is just a phase
Could I get used to, being loved the right way?
I wanna argue, but there is nothing to say
Oh love, I think I'm ready
Ready for it
Ready for it
Oh love, I think I'm ready
Cuz you send me flowers, when there's no occasion
Yeah we talk for hours, you still wanna listen
Won't hold it against me if I just need you to hold me tonight
My mother always told me that you'd show up one day
So scared to feel this way but love, I think I'm ready
Ready for it
Ready for it
Oh love, I think I'm ready
Ready for it
Ready for it
Oh love, I think I'm ready
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