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Papa RoachCrash

Категории: рок , хард рок Език: Английски

Papa Roach - Crash Текст

I refuse to be your victim I refuse to be your slave
I keep on burning my bridges
I keep on fucking up everything
Running from desperation God knows where I've been
I don't know where I'm headed
But I'm going too fast I think I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash, to crash
It's time for annihilation it's time to be a criminal
No time for hesitation time to be an animal
Looking at my reflection I don't like what I see
So I ask myself a question
Do I got what I want or do I got what I need?
I'm not afraid of the future
Of spinning right out of control
I don't know where I'm headed
But I'm going too fast I think I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash, to crash
It's time for annihilation it's time to be a criminal
No time for hesitation time to be an animal
It's time for annihilation it's time to be a criminal
No time for hesitation time to be an animal
I refuse to be a victim, I don't want to fall again
I know where I'm headed
God knows where I've been...
I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash, to crash
It's time for annihilation it's time to be a criminal
No time for hesitation time to be an animal
It's time for annihilation it's time to be a criminal
No time for hesitation time to be an animal
Live Love Life!
Live Love Fight!
Live Love Life!
Live Love Fight!
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