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Play & WinLike It

Категории: dance Език: Английски

Play & Win - Like It Текст

Hey , don`t need to be afraid
Love will come at the end
Allow the music take control
And when the music plays
The nights becomes days
The rhythm goes straight to your heart
But when the music stops
I think I give up , I feel like I`m going down
Tell me you like it
Tell me you like it
To dance it on my floor
Feel the music control
Would you like it
Would you like that
Music control , control
Hey , don`t need to be afraid
Love will come at the end
Allow the music take control
And when the music plays
The nights becomes days
The rhythm goes straight to your heart
But when the music stops
I think I give up , I feel like I`m going down
Tell me you like it
Tell me you like it
To dance it on my floor
Feel the music control
Would you like it
Would you like that
Music control , control

Tell me you like it
Tell me you like it
To dance it on me floor
Feel the music control
Would you like it
Would you like that
Musïc control , control … 2x
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