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The VeronicasOn Your Side

The Veronicas - On Your Side Текст

If we knew then what we do now
We'd hold our hands and take a bow
Together we would stand our ground
And fight
I remember the night we got drunk
I got sick on the subway
With your hands on my face
Said "It don't matter babe
'Cause I'm always on your side"
Life isn't pretty we all get a little wrecked sometimes
If God's listening, people think you're out of your mind
Even if you believe it
Through all the hard times
I'm on your side
On your side
I'm on your side
On your side
I still wear your t-shirt out
All the ink is faded now
I wonder who you're dreaming of
I remember the night
When you packed all your bags in the doorway
Said, "I don't wanna fight
You can leave, but remember
I'm always on your side"
Life isn't pretty we all get a little wrecked sometimes
If God's listening, people think you're out of your mind
Even if you believe it
Through all the hard times
I'm on your side
On your side
I'm on your side
On your side
On your side
Life isn't pretty we all get a little wrecked sometimes
If God's listening, people think you're out of your mind
Even if you believe it
Through all the hard times
I'm on your side
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